
Everybody says they will choose personality over looks ANYDAY right? Which makes the most sense and is not shallow… but how true is that. I’ve said that plenty of times. Personally for me, they are both important… LET ME EXPLAIN: 

So as you know I ask many questions on my social media and this was the topic of discussion. 

My stance is this: you have to have some type of attraction to the person you’re with. How can you be with someone you can’t see yourself having sex with or even kissing. KISSING. You don’t wanna kiss them because they aren’t attractive to YOU. How is that gonna work? They can be an excellent man, but if you’re not attracted then what? I have certain standards you must meet to date me. And if you don’t have one then it’s a no go. I’m not compromising because I know my standards aren’t unreasonable. So if I’m not attracted to you there is nothing I can do. It’s just not ideal to be with someone you’re not attracted to, TO ME. You can care about them all day but if nothing attracts you to them after a while then what?i don’t think it’s being shallow at all. People have their taste and it’s not like saying they have to look a specific way. They just have to be attractive to YOU. Who wants to force themselves to be with someone they aren’t attracted to? Men don’t do it so why should we? Oh because he’s the only good man left? I don’t think so… which brings me to my next topic….

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