Major keys to saving money!

We’ve all been broke or just not where we want to be financially. We work so hard for money and it just comes and goes so fast. I’m going to give you a few tips on how to save money.. here we go!

1. Sacrifice. You will have to sacrifice your wants in order to save. You cannot go to the mall and cash out. If you’re a girl you should probably cut off or at least cut down on nails, eye brows, lashes etc. when you go somewhere stay focused and don’t buy anything extra or unnecessary. 

2. Shop cheap. When you do shop, shop pretty much as cheap as possible. Don’t buy the most expensive things. 

3. Eat at home! Cut out fast food and go to the grocery store. Make a list of what you need and what meals you can make out of it. That will def decrease your spending. 

4. Buy in bulk. Things will seem like they’re more expensive but really you’re getting more bang for your buck and it’ll last you longer. The less often you’ll have to go to the store for things like tissue, paper towels, soap, lotion etc 

5. $5 holla. Get a mason jar or something similar. Write the date on it and every time you get a $5 bill put it in the jar and don’t take money out until that day next year. I do this too but I put $5s and $1’s in it

6. Save a check. When you get paid put away some in a savings. I suggest you do a specific dollar amount like $20 every check but it’s up to you. Personally it depends on how much it is. It can also depend on how much you make and how many jobs you have. You can def put more into your savings than $20

7. Miss a kick it. Or 2. Kicking it can require money. Sit in the house and utilize your internet instead lol

8. Penny. There is an app called Penny where it keeps track of your spending. It’s extremely helpful! 

9. Look! Look for every opportunity to save some money. If somebody owes you money, get it and put the whole thing away unless you really need it. 

10. Lastly, don’t put a limit on how much you want to save all together. Just keep saving and keep saving. If you’re saving for an event, keep saving even after you go to that event. Saving is so important!
Save. Save. Save and pay your bills on time!

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