Goal With Me!

As we are approaching a new year we all know that New Years resolutions are a hot topic! I’m coming to you guys with a challenge for 2018. I won’t call them new year resolutions because they’re more than that! They are goals! Goals for the entire year so let’s get into it.

In order for this to be a Challenge and push you to the limits I’ve created a group of goals. 1 goal for every month buttttt you will be adding to it. Confused? Let me explain. The first month of the year, January, will be about eating healthy. You’ll focus on that the whole month. Once February comes there will be another goal added to this which is exercising and working out! So that means you will continue saving money the same way you did in December AND you will start eating healthy AND you will incorporate working out into your daily routine. So you will add a new goal every month. This will keep you occupied, busy and hopefully positive! I know it’s a lot but why not? 2018 is about pushing yourself to the max and then some! Stop being mediocre. Be greater than you could’ve imagined. With that being said let me jump right into these monthly goals.

January: Actually starting Dec 29. (I’m sure you’ve heard of this already) saving every $5 bill you come in contact with. I made it Dec 29 so you will be able to spend some of that money you saved all year for New Years the next year! Thank me later! In addition to saving that money please download the Penny app! It’ll help you budget and watch your spending to save even more!

JanuaryPart 2: Beginning Jan 1st you will start eating healthy! If you need help with this I can help find recipes and also share recipes I have. I can give tips such as drinking green tea in the morning or taking a shot of apple cider vinegar in the morning!

February: Kanye’s workout plannnnnn! Okay this will undoubtedly be the hardest for me, hence why I put it so early in the year. I’m not going to lie I will also be working out in Jan but in Feb I will really challenge myself and push myself to go above and beyond. I’m doing it that way to ease myself into it. Plus I need to lose 20 lbs by March *fingers crossed!*

March: Self Care! In college counseling was my minor. Self care is something ALL counselors encourage and speak of. So we have to get into as well! Find things that cater to you, your needs and wants. Maybe it’s taking a day off from everything. Not leaving the house to read, sleep etc. or maybe you treat yourself by getting a mani and pedi or go to a spa. It can be something as simple as having wine with friends. Do something for YOU. Take care of you!

April: Reflection month! So you’ve been saving money, working out and eating right for 3 months. Let’s reflect on progress. Let’s reflect on how you’re feeling. Has it been beneficial will you continue it through the rest of the year? Are you happy? Reflect and stay positive!

May: Read 2 or more books! I feel like in this generation most of us don’t like to read. You can read for knowledge or entertainment. Personally for that month I would suggest doing both! One book on something interesting that you could learn from and another book just for entertainment. Whether it’s a mystery or an urban book, it’s up to you!

June: *my birthzayyyyyy month* lol so this month will about you teaching yourself. I want you to find something you’re interested in and teach yourself how to do it. For example, I taught myself how to make wigs with the help of YouTube of course! Personally I’m going to teach myself a language or sign language! There are plenty of things to learn out here. Go to your local Barnes and Noble or book store and see what books they have. It can give you an idea of what you can teach yourself and give you some assistance as well!

July: *my mommy’s birthday month!* this will be a month about positive thinking and speaking. *In addition to that take your mom/step mom/sister/father/brother out to eat!* For positive thoughts and words you must pay attention to what you are thinking and saying. If anything is negative, stop right in your tracks and make it positive! This can effect your entire life. It has effected mine! For example, you see someone who isn’t particularly attractive to you. You think “she is ugly” catch yourself and let yourself know it’s wrong. You could even point something out about her that you like. It’s simple! Be positive.

August: social media break! I will already be on a break but I invite you all to do it too. You will stay off of social media from Aug 1-Aug 30. And if you want to really challenge yourself stay off for 2 months or until Thanksgiving! The point of this is to focus on other things. Things that have substance and that you can gain things from.

September: Break a Habit, Make a Habit! This one is important. Do you have any bad habits? Are there any habits that you want to gain? Well this is the month to do it! For example, I have a bad habit of not being consistent with things like blogging or reading or straightening my room lol so those would be the habits I would try to break. Butttt of course I would focus on one habit to break! Now for make a Habit…. for example praying every morning. Which to me, is a good habit to gain! So get to it!

October: Perfect. This month is all about getting great at something! I read a quote that said “were jacks of all trades but masters of nothing”. I want you to take this month and dedicate it to one thing that you like to do that you haven’t mastered yet and master it or attempt to! It doesn’t hurt to try. I haven’t decided what I’m going to do yet for October but an example would me perfecting my wig making techniques. I can learn other ways to sew, i can can try different methods to laying the hair. All type of stuff. What are you trying to Perfect in October?

November: Be Thankful! Holiday season is approaching by this time. I want you to write down all the things you’re thankful for. Write down as many as you can. It doesn’t have to be in one sitting. It can over the entire month. Whenever you think of something just put it in your notes. I want you to do this to see everything that you have and don’t have that makes your life as great as it is. You could also take this month to volunteer at a shelter or soup kitchen!

December: the last month of the year! Finally right lol there won’t be a new goal this month. This is for you to rest and reflect. Originally I wanted December to be a month of fasting with no social media and no meat but we can take a big break instead. I would like to hear feedback on how your year went. We’re able to do everything listed? What were your additional goals? Did you meet those? We’re my goals helpful for the year? Would you like to do it again?

That is the end of the 2018 goal list! I pray that it’s helpful for as many people as possible but if it helps just one person I’m happy with that too.

Are you up for the challenge?

2 thoughts on “Goal With Me!

  1. Anonymous says:

    It’s actually a good way to get into good habits while focusing on that goal for the month. By they next month it’ll become a habit and then you add on more benefits as you go.


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