
From the title, what did you think this post would be about?

Let me tell you…….

Social media is the new coke. Everyone is addicted to being on social media whether it’s twitter, instagram, Snapchat or Facebook. People are addicted to it and it’s crazy. Everyone knows your whereabouts, everyone knows where you go to drink, everyone knows where you’ll be at 11 pm on a Saturday night. Why is social media so addicting? I used to find myself switching back and forth for hours from social media to social media. If I’m bored social media will always be there to entertain me, right?

You know what I’ve noticed about how social media effects us socially? People do not know how to socialize anymore. They don’t know how to actually talk to people because they’re so busy focused on social media and what’s going on with other people’s lives… I’ll propose this question: why do we care about what other people are doing so much?  

There has been plenty of times where I would say I’m getting off social media for a while, I’ll make a post then download the app again and be on it by the next morning. I couldn’t help it. I missed reading tweets, seeing other people’s pictures, watching funny videos and debating with people. NOW, since I’m grown, I have a different outlook on life, I have no issue being without it. I deleted all social media off of my phone and I haven’t even been tempted to get on it. *I can’t lie, I do sometimes find myself wishing I could tweet something or ask a question on FB and then that feeling passes lol* The next step for me is fully deleting my actual accounts (maybe one of these days) but honestly… I just don’t care anymore. It doesn’t interest me. I keep myself busy with things that I LOVE verses something that just keeps me busy. I’m content with the things I do in my spare time. BE SATISFIED. 

When I would get on social media everyday I still would respect my time with others (for the most part) and try to stay off my phone. For example, if I’m spending time with someone, I want to engage and enjoy that time instead of being on my phone texting or scrolling on a site. A big pet peeve of mine is when I’m watching tv with someone and they’re on their phone and ask me “what happened?” “What’s going on?” Like PAY ATTENTION AND YOULL KNOW lol but forreal tho!

I’ve taught myself to live in the moment, enjoy the moment, carpe diem…   in real life! These moments are moments you’ll never get back again. Enjoy that time. I know it’s cool to record and take pictures to remember but other than that have fun. Appreciate the time you’re spending with people or your time have fun and experiencing life. Social media isn’t important because at the end of the day nobody really cares about you, they mostly want to be nosey  and maybe keep up with your life. That’s unimportant.

My challenge for you for you is to stay off social media completely for a week (7 days). Meaning no social media… no twitter, ig, Snapchat, Facebook or even tinder! Try it.

Take trips, cut your phone off and live in the moment. 🌻🌻🌻

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