Another Life Update

Well here I am… back at it again with the back at it again. Another Life Update! I haven’t posted in a while, I’m horrible, I know. Life has just been so busy, kinda lol 
In Feb, my bestfriend made me a God-Mommy💙  If you know me then you know I’ve always wanted to be a God Mommy. Thanks Celeste 😬

Also in February both of my bestfriends had baby showers! Their due dates were a day apart💙🎉

And in March my besties gave birth to their beautiful baby boys A DAY APART lol (yea I’m jealous! Lmao)  meet Samir(Samiyah) and Kristopher(Celeste) 💙💙💙

In March, I went to Miami for the first time for my last spring break of undergrad. I had so much fun (spent so much money) but I’d rather pay for experiences anyway. (Travel while you can!) 

In April, my friends and I went to OU’s Numbers Fest. It was so much fun we missed the concert LOL. nothings better than good times with good people. You literally can’t beat it! 💕🌻Oh and I went to the Kappa Kabaret too! I had so much fun. And it was the last one of my undergrad career =( but I’ll be back! 

In May, I attended the Multicultural Graduation (Black Graduation) and the actual graduation ceremony!!! Yesssss i am a college graduate!!! FINALLLLYYYYYYYYY!!! I have a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice! I’m so beyond excited to be done with school. College is by far one of the hardest things I’ve ever done but I would do it all over again if I had a restart button. But the late nights, no sleep and being mad at professors paid off because I finally did it!

My 23rd birthday was June 15th! Sheesh. I’m getting younger by the day 😬🤷🏾‍♀️ I didn’t do much but I enjoyed myself and happy to see another year!

Lastly, my Great Gatsby themed graduation/birthday party. I had so much fun with my friends and family. And really appreciated the love I received. Nothing better than a bomb support system. P.S I have the best group of friends 🤗🌻

Moral of the story, I’ve been having an awesome year. I changed my way of thinking, i live in the moment, I complain less, I think first and speak last and I appreciate my life for what it is not what I want it to be. Life’s Good🌻

P.S. I love this dress 

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