Thank you. 

I want to say to my reader and followers,I appreciate you so much. I appreciate all of you who read my blog and respond to the questions I have about about topics in general. I really want my blog to get far more traffic but hopefully I’m working towards more and more every time I post something new. It can be extremely discouraging for me when I get no response on the questions I ask on social media or nobody suggest topics. But I def do have people in my corner to encourage me to keep posting and keep writing. I do realize that even though I’m not getting thousands of views I could possibly be helping someone with the things I write…. and that’s really all I want to do, Help other people by spreading my knowledge and experience. So I’m making a vow that no matter how discouraged I get, I’ll never stop writing. Even if I do take a break, I will still come back and write. 

Even though my major is criminal justice, writing is my thing and I think I’m pretty decent at it. So if you are reading this…. please feel free to suggest topics to me, give advice or ask questions. I don’t care when you do it. Just do it! I’m very open to things and I really want to know what my readers want to see! Help me out pleaseeee! 

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