No more negative

Creating a positive out of your negative feelings is something I try to actively do. Many times I find myself about to talk about what I hate or what I don’t like. (I saw a quote that says “promote what you LOVE not what you hate) so with that instead of saying the negative thought I’ll turn it into a real, honest positive thought. For example, I was going to go on a rant about how I’m so discouraged because I don’t get the views I want or the support I want. Instead I wrote a blog acknowledging the people that do support me and do read my blog. I don’t change the word “hate” to “love” to make a fake positive statement. I take what I love out of the statement and turn it all around. If I would’ve said I love that I get discouraged…. that would be a lie. I would be lying to myself mostly and that’s not what I want to do. I want to be totally honest, if I can do that wig no one else I have to be honest with myself. Another example is “I hate getting my hair braided for sew ins” instead of saying what I hate I’ll say what I love about the exact same situation “I love when my hair is freshly done” see? Same scenario just looking at the positive part versus the negative. 

This small change can change your way of thinking if you are actively trying to change. It can improve your thoughts of others and yourself as well. I try my hardest to be that happy, encouraging woman. I wanted this to help someone somewhere realize you don’t have to complain all the time, you can be happy and you can watch what you say and how you think. You really have to work hard and be active in what you want. It’s not easy changing the way you think and speak. There will be days where you go back to your old ways. And that is OKAY! Just put your best foot forward and do what you need to, to get back to that positive way. It will come easy to you sooner or later. It is N E V E R, ever too late to change and become a better you. Change starts within you. 

Be the change you want to see❤️ 

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